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      News & Posts

      Ultimate Tips for Trick or Treating during the Covid Pandemic

      Ultimate Tips for Trick or Treating during the Covid Pandemic

      With Halloween around the corner, it can't be denied that the holiday season will be different this year. COVID has impacted everyone and it will change how we approach festivities. The CDC has advised that regular trick or treating poses a significant risk, so families should look at alternatives this year. However, that doesn't mean our children can't have a fantastic (and safe) night of trick-or-treating in their costumes! Here are our top three CDC-approved tips for trick or treating safely this year.

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      History of Trick or Treating

      History of Trick or Treating

      It’s almost that time of year when kids get into costume and sprint around the neighborhood from door to door, ringing doorbells and begging for treats!  No matter what Trick or Treating looks like this year in the shadows of the Covid pandemic, there’s quite an interesting history behind the holiday that we’re excited to share with you.

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      Is it a Jack-O Lantern or Pumpkin Pie?

      Is it a Jack-O Lantern or Pumpkin Pie?

      With the many varietals of pumpkins available to the average consumer these days in the Northeast, it may be hard to tell which pumpkins are good for which application? So…let’s talk pumpkins! Have you ever seen signs at the farmers market for “pie pumpkins” and “carving pumpkins?” Allot of the times the farmers will separate the pumpkins based on their use for customers to choose from.

      jack o lantern pumpkins

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      Different Ways to Get Down with Seasonal Squash!

      Different Ways to Get Down with Seasonal Squash!

      Any New Englander knows that during the fall and wintertime in the North east, it is the perfect time to take advantage of cooking up some local squash treats like butternut, honey nut, delicata, carnival, hubbard, sugar pumpkins and many more artisan varietals. Here are a few of our favorite squash available in and around New England and our favorite ways to cook them!

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      Leaf Peeping in New England

      Leaf Peeping in New England
      Check out our Leaf Peeping Map of New England for some of the best spots to see the glorious beauty of our region during the fall season.

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